The President Emphasizes the Importance of Developing the Quality of Indonesian Human Resources

The President Emphasizes the Importance of Developing the Quality of Indonesian Human Resources

Sabtu, November 25, 2023
Photo: BPMI Presidential Secretariat

Star News INDONESIA, Saturday, (25 November 2023). JAKARTA - Indonesia will be at the peak of the demographic bonus in 2030 to 2035. This opportunity, which only comes once in a country's civilization, must be utilized as well as possible so that Indonesia can leap to become a developed country.

"This is a golden opportunity for the progress of our country, Indonesia, if we can take advantage of it," said the President in his speech while attending the commemoration of the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia Teachers' Association (PGRI) and National Teachers' Day 2023 which was held at the Britama Arena, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, on Saturday, November 25 2023.

Therefore, the President emphasized that developing the quality of human resources (HR) is the key to moving towards an advanced Indonesia. In fact, several international institutions have also said the same thing.

“I have spoken with many international institutions, the key is human resource development. "The quality of human resources is key," said the President.

The President said that good quality human resources could be achieved with the help of superior and great Indonesian teachers. Teachers who are guides, motivators, mentors, friends and teachers who are role models.

"In Java there is a teacher who is admired and imitated, that teacher is trusted and used as a role model," said the President.

The President said that the government has high hopes for teachers throughout Indonesia. The President hopes that teachers and educators will continue to fight for inclusive, safe, comfortable and enjoyable education for Indonesian children.

"Schools must become learning gardens to develop children's talents and potential to become physically, emotionally and spiritually strong children as well as intelligent and skilled children,"

Not only that, the government also continues to be committed to providing support to teachers, including improving their welfare. Based on reports from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Makarim and the Minister of PANRB Abdullah Azwar Anas, the recruitment of ASN P3K teachers in 2021 and 2022 saw 544 thousand honorary teachers who passed the ASN P3K selection.

"And we hope that in 3 years there will be approximately 840 thousand teachers recruited as ASN P3K and by 2024 there will be 1 million ASN P3K teachers," said the President.


Author: Wiwid

Editor: Fajar Ali


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